Green Building with Design Builders

Green Building with DBR

Green Building with Design Builders

Design Builders & Remodeling, Inc has taken many steps to incorporate green building principles and technology into our projects. We are firm believers that we are all stewards of the earth and we continually try to improve building efficiencies so this philosophy is incorporated into our projects on a daily basis.

These include:

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Water Efficiency

Water Efficiency

Resource Efficiency

Resource Efficiency

Lot and Site Development

Lot and Site Development

Indoor Environmental Quality

Indoor Environmental Quality

Homeowner Education

Homeowner Education

Strategies used to incorporate green building

Certified Green Professional (CGP)

David H. Adams is one of a select group of professional builders, remodelers, and other industry professionals nationwide who have earned the Certified Green Professional (CGP) designation, identifying him as someone with knowledge of the best strategies for incorporating green building principles into homes. The CGP program is administered by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

The CGP curriculum incorporates a variety of information tailored to green building and business practices. It incorporates training by leading building industry practitioners and academics on a range of topics, including strategies for incorporating green-building principles into homes using cost-effective methods of construction, and how green homes provide buyers with lower maintenance costs and better quality of life. Techniques are also discussed for competitively differentiating home products with increased indoor environmental quality as well as energy and resource efficiency.

CGP program graduates are required to maintain their designation by completing 12 hours of continuing education every 3 years, a portion of which pertain to green building activities.

Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR)

This designation is held by only a handful of remodeling professionals in Fairfield County, Connecticut and the owner of Design Builders is one of these professionals. The CGR designation is an exclusive, professional designation by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) that emphasizes business management as the foundation of a successful remodeling company. The CGR program provides and encourages continuing education, demands professional integrity, recognizes competence and expects superior consumer satisfaction results.

NAHB is a trade association that helps promote the policies that make housing a national priority. Since 1942, NAHB has been serving its members, the housing industry, and the public at large.

New England Window & Exterior Company, LLC

Design Builders & Remodeling started a new division, New England Window & Exterior Company, LLC to provide energy efficient replacement products which include windows, doors, siding and roofing.

Strategic Partnerships & Alliances

We have also formed alliances with specialist in the field of green technology that we work with to incorporate the following products and services into our projects.

  1. Geothermal
  2. Insulation
  3. HVAC
Visit our showroom

Please call 203-431-9104 to schedule a complimentary design consultation or to make an appointment to visit our showroom. Our showroom is open from 9-5 Monday through Friday, and by appointment weekends and evenings.

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