The White Mill Blog

The renovation of The White Mill

Documenting design, demolition, construction and finishing

The White Mill blog was a unique space set up to showcase and document the renovation of The White Mill. All aspects of the renovation were documented including design, demolition, construction and finishing. The process began in September of 2009 and continued until completion in June 2010. The blog feed below is a collection of all of The White Mill posts, and is reposted with the kind permission of The White Mill Blog for your convenience.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 5 Progress Update

Hi... Week 5 is wrapping up. Our really terrific construction team has made good progress on the screened porch and are now digging for the foundation for the front porch and propane tank. You can start to see how the massing for the exterior is shaping up, all we need are some windows and a front porch (and maybe a little less construction equipment.)

Walking around the back, you can see the screened porch and the enclosure that will soon be our bar area.

Here is a view from the screened porch looking toward the front yard (ok, it is still a work in progress, but very cool, no?)

And here is the view from the window that will be over our bar area looking out the back:

Sure it will be a little while before we are mixing up margarita's and enjoying them on the porch, but on a rainy fall night, it is good to have something to look forward too!

Finally, here is a view to keep an eye on; with the foundation and crawl space slab poured, over the coming weeks this view will change significantly as the new addition is framed out.

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