The White Mill Blog

The renovation of The White Mill

Documenting design, demolition, construction and finishing

The White Mill blog was a unique space set up to showcase and document the renovation of The White Mill. All aspects of the renovation were documented including design, demolition, construction and finishing. The process began in September of 2009 and continued until completion in June 2010. The blog feed below is a collection of all of The White Mill posts, and is reposted with the kind permission of The White Mill Blog for your convenience.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Sunny Day

Wow... lots of progress today. In fact, I can't believe it is less then 24 hours since I stood in our old living room last night listening to the rain dripping through the tarp (and it was a lot of rain!) Today, we have the gable walls framed and the ridge beam installed.

It's moving fast, which is a good thing since some more rain is in the forecast for this weekend. This time I think we will be in better shape for it!

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